
Eating & Drinking

Experience culinary diversity at the ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen, starting in the alto restaurant where we serve an exclusive blend of German and French brasserie cuisine in an elegant setting. Our carefully curated wine list features a selection of top-quality wines from around the world, perfectly complementing your meal. Our wine cellar houses hundreds of bottles from the finest vintages of renowned vineyards. The Mediterranean hofgarten is available for your enjoyment in good weather, and on cooler days, the conservatory and numerous private rooms offer a cozy retreat.

In the relaxed atmosphere of our ATLANTIC Bar with a Smoker’s Lounge, you can choose from an extensive drink menu. The bar is a meeting place for free spirits and cosmopolitans who appreciate a cool beer or the artistic drinks crafted by our experienced bar team.

Supreme of Klangens Weideglockel - Restaurant alto


Enjoy our seasonal brasserie cuisine in a stylish ambiance!

Bartender mixes two cocktails in the ATLANTIC Bar at the ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen


Enjoy a drink in a relaxed atmosphere at the ATLANTIC Bar with Smoker's Lounge.

Breakfast tabel in the ATLANTIC Grand Hotel in the old town of Bremen

Later riser breakfast

Enjoy our exquisite breakfast selection!

Dinner in the courtyard garden in the evening

Mediterranean Hofgarten in the heart of Bremen

Discover our Mediterranean courtyard garden: A summery oasis with olive and lemon trees in the heart of Bremen!

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Culinary events & special offers

Spring delights: tender asparagus wrapped in savoury ham at alto Bremen


The days are getting longer and the temperatures milder - asparagus season has finally arrived!

alto Summer Nights

Delicacies from the Alto, freshly caught oysters, music and drinks in the best of company.

The Grand Terrace at the ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen


Enjoy the summer to the full with an exclusive after-work event series!

Savor Alpine Flavors Right in the Hanseatic City!


Step into the world of the Alps – right in the heart of Bremen. Our Almhütte embodies the quintessence of Alpine traditions, as essential as strudel, Kaiserschmarrn, and skiing. The charming country house style welcomes you upon entry and invites you to stay awhile. Each year, the courtyard of the ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen transforms into this quaint Alpine retreat.

From November to January, the ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen welcomes you to Almhütte season. Constructed in our courtyard, the hut offers a cozy, straightforward sanctuary. Located in the center of the Old Town, we serve authentic, fresh Alpine cuisine. Enjoy classic snacks, hearty warm dishes, and enticing desserts in an unparalleled setting.

Start planning your next event with us – we are already taking reservations for the 2024/2025 season! Welcome to an unforgettable culinary experience at the Almhütte of the ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen.

Tel.: +49 (0) 421 62062-563 
E-Mail: almhuette@atlantic-hotels.de 


Always worth a walk

Enjoy what is probably Bremen's most delicious coffee at the WKcafé WESER-Strand - including free Wi-Fi and power points for your laptops and smartphones. There's plenty to discover in the heart of Bremen's historic city centre.

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Café, working space and healthy snacks at the WKcafé Weser Strand