Standing up for diversity

Diversity – ATLANTIC Hotels

In our hotels, we regard the diversity of our staff as a valuable asset. We support our employees in gaining new experiences at work with each other, because increasing the competencies of our personnel is of great benefit for the entire hotel group.
Since June 2017, we have been part of the “Charta der Vielfalt” (German Diversity Charter) and are thus strengthening the association itself, together with the appreciation and understanding for diversity through internal and external dialogue. “We really live diversity management with a great degree of commitment – every day,” says Markus Griesenbeck, Managing Director of ATLANTIC Hotels. Diversity is not only reflected in the personal identities of our colleagues, but also in daily conduct with our guests, suppliers and investors.

Business initiative Charta der Vielfalt

The ATLANTIC Hotels Group is a signatory to the German Diversity Charter, “Charta der Vielfalt”.
Charta der Vielfalt is a business initiative that is aimed at fostering diversity in associations, companies and institutions.  The ultimate objective is to create an environment that is free of prejudice. All members of our staff – irrespective of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, ideology, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity – should enjoy unrestricted appreciation and mutual respect.
Charta der Vielfalt is undergoing constant growth, with more than 2450 signatories at present.


Venue: ATLANTIC Hotel Airport

11th German Diversity Day

German Diversity Day has become an major attention-getting event, thanks to the large number of companies and institutions who are participating with own campaigns and events.

On 5 June 2018, the Bremen Diversity Panel took place in the ATLANTIC Hotel Airport under the motto of “Living Diversity Every Day”. Together with Bremen University of Applied Sciences (HSB) and the Mercedes-Benz plant in Bremen, the ATLANTIC Hotel invited attendees to discuss, question and examine the topic of diversity management. Within the scope of the Diversity Panel, the next round of the “The Brightly Coloured Key - Create Diversity!” contest was also rung in; this competition honors innovative and exemplary concepts promoting an environment of diversity that encourages people to treat each other without exclusion or discrimination.

Already in 2017, the Diversity Panel took place at the ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen. “We are very pleased that our hotel at the airport was the venue for this important event in 2018”, says Markus Griesenbeck, CEO of ATLANTIC Hotels Management GmbH.

Best practices from the hotel industry

We live diversity!

In all the ATLANTIC Hotels, intercultural dialogue is a living reality, because the fundamental understanding of the cultural variety within our team secures the success of our enterprise. The ATLANTIC Hotels employ more than 90 different nationalities, all with a variety of characteristics and cultures, offer people with experiences of displacement a new outlook in qualified trades, and pay close attention to the sustainable use of resources throughout the entire ATLANTIC Hotel Group.
In our everyday working life, we meet and move people from a large number of countries with a wide range of expectations, standards and customs.

Restaurant BLIXX at the ATLANTIC Hotel Airport

Weltoffenheit der Personalpolitik

In den ATLANTIC Hotels arbeiten 1117 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, die über 47 Sprachen sprechen. So werden Gäste aus der ganzen Welt mit offenen Armen empfangen und meist mit ihrer vertrauten Heimatsprache begrüßt.
Im ATLANTIC Hotel Airport, unserem Hotel direkt am Flughafen Bremen, wird die Speisekarte durch die verschiedenen Herkunftsländer der einzelnen Mitarbeiter geprägt. So entsteht eine vielfältige Kulinarik mit unterschiedlichsten Gerichten aus aller Welt.
Durch unsere Offenheit versuchen wir, viele unterschiedliche Menschen für die ATLANTIC Hotels zu begeistern. Unser garantiertes Bewerbungsgespräch per Telefon bietet jedem Bewerber die Chance, sich in einem kurzen Gespräch vorzustellen und ein Teil des ATLANTIC Teams zu werden.

Cosmopolitan personnel policy

At present, the ATLANTIC Hotels together employ 1117 people speaking over 47 languages. Guests from all over the globe are welcomed with open arms and usually even greeted in their own home language.
In the ATLANTIC Hotel Airport, our hotel right at Bremen Airport, the menu is enriched by the various countries from which the staff members originate. This produces a varied cuisine with fascinating dishes from all four corners of the globe.
Through our open-mindedness, we aim to get many different people interested in and enthusiastic about the ATLANTIC Hotels. Our guarantee of a job interview by telephone offers all applicants the opportunity of presenting themselves in a brief discussion and possibly becoming part of the ATLANTIC team.

Bar tender Mr. Ravindra Silva in the ATLANTIC Hotel Kiel

In allen Bereichen Vielfältig

Neben unseren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern sind auch unsere ATLANTIC Hotels von Vielfältigkeit geprägt. Jedes Haus hat individuelle Merkmale, die für jeden Anlass den passenden Rahmen mit außergewöhnlichem Komfort und individuellem Full-Service bieten. Dies fängt bei den Standorten an, die beispielsweise in Bremerhaven, auf Sylt oder im österreichischen Lech zu finden sind und mündet in verschiedene Berufe, die wir ausbilden und unseren Arbeitnehmern bieten.

Bar tender Mr. Ravindra Silva in the ATLANTIC Hotel Kiel

Variety in all areas

In addition to our colleagues, the ATLANTIC Hotels themselves are also characterized by diversity. Each hotel has its very own individual nature, offering the right setting for every occasion with exceptional comfort and individual, full service. This diversity starts with the various locations, which for example are to be found in Bremerhaven, on Sylt island or in Lech, Austria, and ends with the diverse trades for which we offer training and employment.

Barevent ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen

Kollegiales Arbeiten

Die ATLANTIC Hotels sind ein „Wir- Unternehmen“, in diesem wird stets als Team zusammengearbeitet.
Qualität, Respekt, Optimismus, Glaubwürdigkeit und Loyalität werden bei den ATLANTIC Hotels ganz groß geschrieben und jede Mitarbeiterin und jeder Mitarbeiter verkörpert diese Werte. Als Gemeinschaft schaffen wir es, den Standard und den Erfolg aufrechtzuerhalten und stetig zu steigern.

Barevent ATLANTIC Grand Hotel Bremen

Friendly teamwork

The ATLANTIC Hotels is truly a “we” enterprise, in which the work is always done as part of a team.
Quality, respect, optimism, credibility and loyalty have top priority at the ATLANTIC Hotels, and each employee embodies these values. As a community, we strive to uphold, and even enhance, our high standards and our level of success.

Verantwortung übernehmen – Wir für Euch

Das ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City startete 2013 die Initiative „mitKids“  – Aktivpatenschaften in Kooperation mit der Jugendhilfe Bremerhaven.
Ehrenamtliche Paten verbringen regelmäßig Zeit mit den Zwei bis Sechsjährigen, die aufgrund einer belastenden Situation oder fehlenden Bezugsperson besondere Zuwendung benötigen. Den Kids werden so neue positive Erfahrungen ermöglicht, wie ein Treffen mit den Bundesligabasketballern der Eisbären Bremerhaven.

Taking on responsibility – we are with you

In 2013, ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City started the initiative “mitKids” as active sponsorships in cooperation with Bremerhaven Youth Welfare.
In this scheme, voluntary mentors regularly spend time with children, aged two to six, that need special support and attention owing to a stressful life situation or lack of a care-giver. In this way, the kids are given the opportunity of gaining new, positive experiences, such as meeting the Federal League basketball players from the Bremerhaven “Eisbären” (Polar Bears).

Atlantic Hotel Sail City – Green Sail Chef

Facettenreiche Nachhaltigkeit

Unser Nachhaltigkeitsgedanke besteht sowohl aus ökonomischen Einsparungen als auch aus Mehrwerten, die in den Bereichen Ökologie und Soziales zu finden sind.
Beispielsweise überzeugt unser ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City in Bremerhaven unter anderem mit dem „grünen Service“, der eine nachhaltige Zimmerreinigung garantiert sowohl die Umwelt als auch Ressourcen schonen, indem Wasser, Energie und Reinigungsmittel gespart werden. 
Die ATLANTIC Hotels gehören seit 2014 dem Verein United Against Waste e.V. an, der die Reduktion von Lebensmittelabfällen, die Analyse des Lebensmittelverbrauches und den bewussten Umgang mit diesen fördert.

Atlantic Hotel Sail City – Green Sail Chef

Multi-faceted sustainability

Our sustainability concept consists of furthering both economic savings and the added values that are to be found in ecological and social aspects.
For example, our ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City in Bremerhaven offers, amongst many other things, the “Green Service”, which guarantees sustainable room cleaning and thus helps protect the environment and conserve resources by saving water, energy and detergents.  
Since 2014, the ATLANTIC Hotels have belonged to the United Against Waste association, which fosters the reduction of food wastage, the analysis of food consumption, and a greater awareness for foodstuff usage.