Against the wastage of food

United Against Waste

United Against Waste is an initiative that takes concrete action against the wastage of food. The association helps to support the communication between various disciplines, to optimize planning processes, and to impart the basic knowledge necessary for the avoidance of food waste. Here the waste analysis tool is of great value, because it helps the ATLANTIC Hotels to identify food waste while suggesting ways to improve.

ATLANTIC Hotel employees also gain a better insight into process engineering and jointly develop solutions to reduce food waste within the scope of training courses and personal discussions. This is not only good for the environment, but also saves money!

Facts, facts, facts!

  • Worldwide, 1/3 of all food is destroyed
  • 11 million tonnes of foodstuffs are thrown away every year in Germany
  • Of this quantity, 1.9 tonnes of food are attributed to the bulk consumer sector
  • And of this amount, nearly 50% could be avoided

More information on the initiative

Waste food? Not with us!

What are the ATLANTIC Hotels doing about it?

The ATLANTIC Hotels Group actively supports the “United Against Waste” initiative which, as the name already indicates, is against food wastage and thereby makes a positive environmental contribution.

The initiators of United Against Waste have put together a concrete service package in Germany that helps our chefs with useful information to make the topic of food waste in everyday kitchen life more tangible for everyone involved.

Analysis and calculation tables support the implementation within the companies and increase motivation. At the same time, active public relations work will ensure that the challenge of avoiding garbage and food wastage continues to be in the public spotlight.

In the future, we would like to inform you here about initial successes and concrete measures and to keep you up to date. You can look forward to interesting reports!

ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City

Auch hier landen viel zu viele hochwertige Lebensmittel auf dem Müll. Woran liegt das? Dieser Frage geht das ATLANTIC Hotel Sail City seit längerem intensiv nach und kommt zu dem Ergebnis: Mit einfachen Maßnahmen lassen sich Lebensmittelabfälle drastisch senken und jede Menge Geld sparen, wenn das Wissen dafür vorhanden ist.

Pressemitteilung "Weniger Abfälle, mehr Wertschätzung!"